The making of this Memorial and the associated final review of the database cost several tens of thousands euros.
Half of the costs were generously covered by Conference for Jewish Materials Claims Against Germany.
Help us to pay the rest of the expense and to continue the research work by adhering to the "Remember a Name" initiative.
With a 50 euro donation you can personally remember a loved one or a friend whose name appears in the Memorial. You will appear in the roll of honor with the following wording:
a) [Your Name] [Your Family Name] pays homage to memory of [name of the victim]
b) Your Name] [Your Family Name] honors [name of the victim]
How to donate
Send an-email to writing in the subject line "I remember a name" and writing in the message body: your name and the name of the victim - named in this Memorial - whom you want to honor; the wording you choose (a or b) and the method of payment you used.
According to Italian Privacy Act, you must include in the message the following sentence: "I authorize Foundation CDEC to publish my name on
Fondazione Centro di Documentazione Ebraica Contemporanea CDEC onlus.
Banca: BIM - Banca Intermobiliare di Investimenti e Gestioni S.p.A , corso Matteotti 5, Milano.
IBAN: IT11L0304301601025570000169
TAX CODE: 97049190156; VAT NUMBER: 12559570150.