

Memorial to the Victims of 1943 - 1945 Anti-Jewish Persecution

Cerca un nome - search for a name
  Search Place of arrest: Roma
I nomi delle vittime e le relative informazioni biografiche, la storia della Shoah italiana e l'elenco delle fonti sono pubblicati nel volume di Liliana Picciotto a cura della Fondazione CDEC , Il Libro della Memoria, Mursia, 1991 ed edizioni successive, Milano.

More information about biographies of the victims in “Il Libro della Memoria”, Mursia

Shoah in Italy

Shoah in Dodecanese

Guide to database


Work in progress


Della Rocca Costanza  foto  was born in Rome  November 4,  1887, was arrested in Rome
Della Rocca Costanza   was born in Rome  November 1,  1901, was arrested in Rome
Della Rocca David   was born in Rome  August 16,  1939, was arrested in Rome
Della Rocca Elisabetta   was born in Rome  July 17,  1922, was arrested in Rome
Della Rocca Emma   was born in Rome  April 29,  1906, was arrested in Rome
Della Rocca Enrica  foto  was born in Rome  February 1,  1937, was arrested in Rome
Della Rocca Lazzaro   was born in Rome  October 16,  1942, was arrested in Rome
Della Rocca Lello   was born in Rome  November 11,  1919, was arrested in Rome
Della Rocca Rubino  foto  was born in Rome  August 7,  1901, was arrested in Rome
Della Rocca Settimio   was born in Rome  April 11,  1899, was arrested in Rome
Della Rocca Silvio   was born in Rome  January 24,  1931, was arrested in Rome
Della Rocca Virginia   was born in Rome  April 28,  1891, was arrested in Rome
Della Rocca Viviana   was born in Rome  August 29,  1919, was arrested in Rome

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