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Place of arrest: Roma
Bondì Benedetto
was born in Rome February 25, 1931, was arrested in Rome
Bondì Elena
born in Rome February 5, 1941,
was arrested in Rome
Bondì Fiorella
born in Rome June 30, 1932,
was arrested in Rome
Bondì Giuseppe
was born in Rome December 10, 1937, was arrested in Rome
Bondì Leone
was born in Rome March 16, 1902, was arrested in Rome
Bondì Margherita
born in Sezze March 22, 1897,
was arrested in Rome
Bondì Pace
was born in Rome August 8, 1892, was arrested in Rome
Bondì Umberto
was born in Rome May 24, 1934, was arrested in Rome
Borsetti Luigi
was born in Rome June 29, 1913, was arrested in Rome
Breuer Edmondo
was born in Merano July 22, 1909, was arrested in Rome
Buetow Wally
born in Berlin September 8, 1880,
was arrested in Rome
Calò Alberto
was born in Rome October 25, 1938, was arrested in Rome
Calò Alberto
was born in Rome May 21, 1903, was arrested in Rome
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